Saturday, April 26, 2008

Playing for the Mill, Victory in Jesus, What a Great Looking Bunch

Playing at the Mill

Hello one and all. I had the privilege of playing electric guitar Friday at The Mill. Desperation was out of town so there was a lack of guitar players for Friday worship. I had expressed interest to Glenn about playing at the Mill so right before he started song writing class he told me he needed someone to play. Mitchell Shift led with Becca Ham. I’ll try to put up some pictures soon, but needless to say I loved it and hope to play again.

What God Has Been Showing Me

The whole idea of moving to another place in the country that I’ve never been before is a little scary. Yesterday, I came to the point where I said “God, I’m not going anywhere without you.” Everything I know and have experienced tells me if I go with him I’ll be more than fine. Yesterday I was holding on to that. Today in my devotions I read Psalms 108. David talks about how “with God we will gain the victory, and he will trample down our enemies,” despite surrounding danger. I don’t have tangible enemies, but I do have tangible challenges. I felt like God was telling me he will grant me victory, not just survival. I don’t know what that will look like yet, but I’ve gone from being hesitant to being excited.

Uganda Update

I’m trying to include pictures of our team time last Saturday. It really was a great time and I am very excited about how God will use us in Africa. Financially I am not doing as well as last time. I’m at $1770.00 when I should be at $2200.00. I’m not worried about it. God has a habit of providing. I would like to thank Paul and Cathy Strahan and Dan and Nancy Davis for there contributions. I am always touched when ever I find and envelope in the mail, so thank you very much for giving.

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Spinning Brain, Back Packs of Unusual Weight

Last weekend was one of the busiest weekends of my life. It started Thursday when I had to be at New Life Church to meet with some musicians at 7:30 in the morning. We took the hour journey from Colorado Springs to Denver to lead worship at Colorado Christian University. The worship leaders where Quinn and the Becca Ham while I stuck to my normal shredding duties. After that I stuck around the New Life Worship offices to kill time before the all-worship-ministry-family night. Glenn asked me to fill in on acoustic at the last minute which gave me the opportunity to finally play with Matthew Fallintine lead by Brad Parsley.
The real whirlwind started Friday during the first annual “Church Connect,” which is a chance for School of Worship Students to meet with pastors from all over the country who need worship leaders. From 10:30 am to 5:00 pm was nothing but interviews, conversation and the routines of answering the same questions over and over again. A couple hours later the Mill was rocking it as they always do, followed by an Africa Missions meeting which ended at 11:30.
This wouldn’t have been so bad if they we didn’t where not required to be at a “team-time” for Africa to help us bond and strengthen us for our missions trip. We all when to the Incline, which is a mile-and-a-half of stars at a very high altitude off of Pikes Peak. Our team leader, Matt Vogal, decided it wouldn’t be hard enough for us guys (the girls separated to hike Barr Trail) and had the great idea of putting a hundred fifty pounds of rocks in his back pack and for us all to take turns carrying up the Incline. I was just short of insane. Once we got half way up the back decided it had enough and both straps broke. After that I had to get my scheduled yellow fever shots and diarrhea medication.
This wouldn’t have been so bad if I didn’t have to be on the New Life campus at 7:00 the next morning for Children’s Church rehearsal. Every other week I play guitar for Children’s Church (3rd -6th grade) some how we always seem to have to arrive earlier for practice every month. It is always fun but at this point I am exhausted. Once church was over I went straight to bed for a four hour nap. My head is still spinning.